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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Making Use of Free Instructional Games For Students Via Sheppard Software

What it is

The Sheppard Software Website provides teachers, parents and students with a comprehensive set of software titles and software tools. Sheppard Software is a dynamic software company whose main aim is educating and entertaining stakeholders who include parents , teachers and students.

Relevance to the Classroom

What is very relevant to our teaching environment is the fact that one of the main strategies of the website is its approach via Instructional Games. Instructional Games are designed to increase motivation by adding game rules and/or competition to learning activities. The Sheppard Software Website includes hundreds of educational games, activities, quizzes, articles and more. The advantages of these games include capitalising on the competitiveness of students, varied methods of learning, dynamic ways of presenting lessons and of course high entertainment value which makes learning fun.

The following are some links to Instructional Games offered by the Sheppard Software Website:

The Sheppard Software Website also provides a Software Policy for Schools and HomeSchools. The free Software Titles and Software Tools integrate Instructional Games which can be utilised in place of worksheets and exercises, to teach cooperative group working skills and implement a reward system for students. The skills learnt are invaluable in creating the foundation for technological learning in students. All it takes is a simple registration procedure and teachers can download all relevant software that matches the curriculum of their particular school.

The following are some videos portraying some Instructional Games offered at the sheppard Software Website.

Youtube video retrieved March
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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Integrating Technology into the Classroom

Integrating technology into the classroom today provide teachers and students with innovative ways of optomizing learning and teaching potentials.

Please Check 4Teachers Video Portal on youtube!

ALTEC, the main organization for, offer teachers and students, tools for managing and integrating technology into the classroom. offer online tools and resources that can help teachers create a more stimulating and learing oriented classroom. Some of the resources includes ready to use web lessons, quizzes and rubrics. The site also provides an array of tools for students from Pre-K to Sixth grade with many interactive exercises.

Teachers today are faced with the challenge of teaching a new generation of students who are already engaged in using technology for example, cell phones, ipods, camcorders digital cameras just to name a few. The programes on this website allow students to use their prior knowledge , obtain new knowledge and integrate their technological skills, to actively become engage in the learning process hence creating an interesting and interactive classroom. With programs like PBLchecklist and Assign- a-day, students are able to viww their assignments, make comment, get reminders, tutorial as well as take the iniative for their own learning . Students have the opportunity to view assignments online via the teachers calendar, engage in projects from a series of interdisciplinary skills that incoperates the use of technology. One of the wonderful features of this site is that it caters for varying ages and provides an opportunity to communicate with the teacher easily. The interactive games are avaliable for students from PreK to grade six, it encourages students to solve problems and use this infomation so that they are able learn and have fun while doing so. Imagine ,solveing maths problem and using this infomation to play a game of car racing. This is totally awesome. Learn so much more, have fun and enjoy learning at a whole new level.

Teachers optimize their learning potential by discovering the valuable professional development resources that include tools for diverse learners, addressing of issues and challenges that teachers face today, and a host of many others. At this site teachers can use a number of programs to create a developmental appropiate curriculum. Educators from all over the world have contributed projects and lessons complete with graphics, videos, podcasts, links, printable resources, and standards that you can duplicate in your own classroom. This searchable database of thousands of projects give you an inside look at creative projects in every academic subject area. In addition schools that have achieved great success with their programs via interviews with students, teachers, and admiinstration sharing their insight and experiences so that all schools can benefit. Discover the site of unlimited teaching resources and maximize your learning potentials.

Some of the tools are avaliable in English and Spanish and include

QuizStar - a tool to create, disseminate, grade and view online quizzes.

RubiStar - a tool to aid teachers in creating quality, easy to use rubrics.

Persuadestar - tools to help students in grade five - twelve to write essays.

Classroom Architect - tools to experiment with the layout of classrooms without
actually moving the furniture and charts to optomize
students learning.

Equity - a database designed to locate resources and tools to assist in a
diverse classroom.

TrackStar - a tool develop interactive lessons online.

Assign-A-Day - tools to enhance teachers and students communication.

CasaNotes - a tool to create quick and easy notes to parents.

PBLchecklist - a tool to use PBL to create age appropiate project list. Checklist aid in students taking responsibility of their own learning.

Teacher Tacklebox - tools for teachers to integrate technology into all subject areas.

Web Poster Wizard -This FREE tool allows educators to create a lesson, worksheet, or class page and immediately publish it online so that other teachers can use them.

Notestar -is an Internet utility to assist in the preparation of research papers.

Think Tank - ThinkTank is designed to help students develop a Research Organizer (a list of topics and subtopics) for reports and projects.

Kids' Vid - this is a website to assist both teachers and students to integrate video productiom in the classroom to suppotr project based learning.

Teachers minimize your workload with these fabulous tools.

Youtube – altecvideo’s channel. Retrieved February 20th. 2010 from
4Teachers.Main Page##. Retrieved February 20th. 2010 from
Quizstar- Create Online Quizzes Retrieved February 20th. 2010 from
Rubistar Home. Retrieved February 20th. 2010 from
Arcademic Skill Builder – Online Educational Games . Retrieved February 20th. 2010 from
PersuadStar : Welcome to PersuadeStar Retrieved February 20th. 2010 from
Classroom Architect Retrieved February 20th. 2010 from
Equity Index Retrieved February 20th. 2010 from
Trackstar :Home
Assignment Calendar- Retrieved February 20th. 2010 from
Casa Notes. Retrieved February 20th. 2010 from
Project B ased Learning Checklist. Retrieved February 20th. 2010 from
Teacher TackleboxRetrieved February 20th. 2010 from
Web Poster Wizard Home. Retrieved February 20th. 2010 from
NoteStar : A Project Based Learning Research Tool. . Retrieved February 20th. 2010 from
Welcome to ALTEC’S ThinkTank. . Retrieved February 20th. 2010 from
Kids’ Vid : Video Production For Students. . Retrieved February 20th. 2010 from
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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Educational Software for Children

Everyday brings with it new experiences.

Pintar Learning is a Kids Maths Software that is an interactive maths software that can help to teach maths concepts easily.

According to the webpage, the Kids Maths software can:

  • promote Whole Class Teaching Concept

  • simple to use

  • reduces a teacher workload

  • create lessons

  • highly effective teaching tool

  • custom design for individual teaching needs. This software is compatible with all major interactive whiteboard makes and teach measurement and windows based personal computer.

The Kids Maths Software is a highlyeffective teaching tool that enables all teachers to develop their creativity. Difficult Math and even science concepts can be easily explained using 3D and 2D visualisations which are useful concepts in teaching.

This software greatly enhances teacher-student interaction and discussion in the classroom. The softwarecan be used with any major compatible interactive whiteboards and teachers can experience a new and dynamic way of teaching.

The following is a link to the Kid Maths software Website:

The following are youtube video links showing the application of the Kids Math software:

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